There is power in planting trees.
Many of us are overwhelmed by the weight of the world’s complex problems. There are concerning issues that touch all of our lives environmentally, economically, socially, spiritually. When we turn to Nature for guidance there is a simple solution.
What is the power in planting trees?
- Longevity. Trees can live a long time. When we plant trees we aren’t only helping ourselves and the earth now. “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade we do not expect to sit”. This Nelson Henderson quote stems from a Greek proverb, while other Vedic wisdom that predates the Greeks says, “The fruit belongs to totality.” A continuum of earth stewardship by humanity is what makes life possible, and conversely, a lack of earth stewardship is what prevents all of life from thriving. Stewardship work done in this life is not only for us, it is for future generations and honors our ancestors who planted many trees that we benefit from today. Our actions affect the past and the future.
- Climate. Trees stabilize ambient temperature & humidity. Forests stabilize climate and rainfall patterns. Widespread deforestation and broadscale mono-culture are 2 principal causes of climate extremes. The solution to this widely debated and popular topic of “climate change” is simple. Plant trees – in the right places and appropriate ways. Many examples exist worldwide. The earth can heal itself, and so can you.
- Protection. Trees provide us with protection from the elements. Rooted in the earth, trees prevent soil erosion. Many species of trees contain medicinal compounds for our benefit.
- Clean Air. Trees can be seen as the lungs of Mother Earth. They absorb carbon and give out oxygen, which is essential for life on Earth. Trees clean and filter air pollution. The more trees we plant the cleaner the air we breathe. Let the technocrat billionaires squabble over who’s going to build flying electric cars to solve our air pollution issues. We the people, don’t need billions of dollars nor do we need to spend more resources to build new technology because we already have the power to plant trees.
- Clean Water. Trees recharge the aquifers and rivers as a key component of the hydrologic cycle
- Soil. The soil is the soul of the earth. It is from the soil that all life is born and dies, it is the eternal cycle of life powered by the underground fungal mycelium network. Trees shed their leaves and branches which decay and turn into soil by way of the mycelium absorbing and transmuting the organic material into life-giving soil. This is a sacred process that gives Earth its bounty of life.
- Food. There are many different varieties of trees. Here in the tropical climate on the island of Hawai’i we are able to see the magnificent diversity in food growing trees as most anything can grow here. The food shortage is not real, it is created by human choices. Food scarcity is a product of the prevailing economic system that profits from scarcity. When monetary profit takes priority over the well being of the planet and its inhabitants, the present global situation remains intact. This system oppresses, and is not based on the reality of the abundant resources the Earth provides us to live as a part of the ecosystem. The power in planting trees is in creating food sovereignty outside of the mono-culture that destroys nature’s diverse and abundant food heaven.
- Kinship. When we plant a tree we are planting it with our DNA, and so we are forming a kinship with the tree, even maintained from a distance. Depending on what kind of tree we are planting we could be creating a lifelong bond with this being. If it is a fruit or medicinal tree, when we consume what this tree produces we are being given nourishment specifically grown for us.
How can you plant trees without land? We’re currently collecting donations to go towards the acquisition of 100-150 trees for 1 acre within our 3 acre food forest. Currently this acre is mostly invasive trees and plants which will be chopped and mulched to create more soil. We’re working with the USDA & the NRCS on an agroforestry grant that will help us with the costs of labor for clearing and woodchipping, but provides very little for the acquisition of young trees. The average cost of a fruit tree on the island of Hawai’i is $45-$65. We ask you to consider donating towards 1 or more of the 150 trees to be planted in the Earthsong forest.
Make a tax deductible donation to Earthsong here.Do you still use Google to make your searches online? Did you know that there is a search engine called Ecosia that plants trees for every search made?
References & examples of Agroforesty & Reforestation projects around the world:
Agenda Gotsch – Brazil
Link to “man who planted trees”
Gaviotas – Colombia
Willie Smits – Borneo rainforest restoration
Loess Plateau restoration in China
This article has been written by real humans:
Elena & Ryan
Earthsong Foundation