Earthsong Foundation Hawaii logo featuring a globe embedded in a lotus blossom






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The Earthsong Foundation is part of the global movement of Deep Ecology that is more vital and germane today than ever before. This is a time when the earth is crying out for our attention and devotion to understanding, to reverence, and conservation of ecosystems. It is a movement that emphasizes the simplified principles of Permaculture: Earth care, people care & fair share. The movement starts with education and the Earth itself is our greatest teacher and healer. In any natural system, an increase in (bio)diversity creates resilience, which leads to a flourishing of all life. It is our mission to learn directly from this principle through protracted observation, rather than thoughtless action and to create a deliberate alliance with the Earth and all its beings. Through this process of growth, we will share all that we can by utilizing a transdisciplinary approach to promoting sustainable living and a culture of wellness. There is an emphasis on connecting with today’s youth in need of mentorship outside of our society’s troubled public school system. We are dedicated to our growth as individuals and in relation to the planet and all of its children.

Earthsong Hawai’i is a 3 acre, off grid eco-retreat and organic food forest immersed in tropical bio-diverse nature with a massive variety of trees, plants, and wildlife. It gives those who visit an opportunity to experience what it means to live in harmony with nature. It has intimate gathering spaces for retreats, trainings, and events and offers multiple quaint accommodations in a remote area on the island of Hawai’i, 5 miles from the coast, where one can hear the earth’s song absent of the noise that comes with city living.

Earthsong Panama is a 2 acre, off grid homestead and organic food forest offering an individual, couple, or a few friends a chance to live surrounded by the canopy of giant hundred year old trees. The open air rustic home sits 25 meters above the river Santa Maria and her song is always audible. It offers an immersion in the rural Panamanian countryside where slowing down and living simply is the way of life.

The Earthsong Foundation is not limited to our Hawai’i eco-retreat or Panama Homestead locations. We work with today’s technology to nurture our global community via our Global Village Online where we give glimpses into our way of life and share multidisciplinary practices pertaining to permaculture, holistic health, and more.

Our vision for the Earthsong Foundation can be seen and felt by taking time to sit with this piece of art, drawn with love by Earthsong steward Elena. You’re invited to play “where’s waldo?” and find yourself in it…

EarthShong Foundation Vision

Like the earth itself, the vision is alive and evolving. We will continue to practice deep listening and communion with the land so that we may hear what it’s asking of us in our interaction with it.

If you feel called to make a contribution towards the continued expansion of the Earthsong vision we are a 501(c)(3) foundation that accepts donations. All donations go towards the on-going care of the land and provides resources for the outreach program.